Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Empty Mirror: A Viennese Mystery

The Empty Mirror:  A Viennese Mystery
by J. Sydney Jones

Product Description:
Paperback Edition
320 pages
Minotaur Books (January 2010)
Personal Copy

Amazon.com Synopsis:  Set in Vienna in 1898, Jones's absorbing whodunit succeeds both as a mystery and as a fascinating portrait of a traditional society in ferment. When artist Gustav Klimt becomes a suspect in a series of bizarre murders, he turns for help to his lawyer friend, Karl Werthen, who joins forces with real-life pioneering criminologist Hanns Gross. Werthen and Gross follow a trail that leads through all strata of Viennese society and threatens to put them at odds with not only a trained killer but powerful members of the ruling class.

My Thoughts:   Ahhhh - I was transported back into my college classrooms, remembering why I decided to pursue a major in Political Science.  I thoroughly enjoyed the cross between history and mystery that The Empty Mirror provided.  The first 80 or so pages seemed a bit slow to me.  It had been a while since I read a mystery novel and I expected it to be a bit more action-packed, but I hung in there and was not disappointed.  Thankfully, just when I had it all figured out, the story turned and provided a welcomed surprise - a successful mystery.

I very much enjoyed Werthen's character - combinations of professional discontent, new love, and would-be sleuth allowed the story to be more than just a murder mystery. 

On a personal note, this was the first time in months that I had a few uninterrupted weekend hours to devote to a story, which made it even more enjoyable.  I would recommend An Empty Mirror to anyone with a taste for historical fiction and a desire for a good mystery.

Thanks to Swapna from S. Krishna's Books for the review and recommendation.

Other Reviews:
S. Krishna's Books


  1. Sounds like a good read! BTW,
    There's a little something for you here :)

  2. I like that combo- historical fiction and mystery. I don't read to many like that. Sounds good!

  3. I have something for you at both my blogs. I am so happy I have met you and have learned so much from you. So I wanted to share you with all my friends.
    Take care, have a great night and God Bless my friend.

  4. Janine - thanks for stopping by and for the award! I did enjoy the book very much.

    Nicole - Thanks! The historical fiction and mystery combo worked really well for me. I don't get to them as often ask I would like.

    Julie - thanks so much the kind words for sharing the award with me!

  5. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! This was a great one, and the sequel is enjoyable as well!
